VIDEO: Sheriff's helicopter tracked suspects accused of breaking into cars overnight in Ruskin ABC Action News 3/3 5:50A Amanda Boettcher
Evaluation/scoring Meeting – Employee Assistance Program RRP #24-P-01483 TAMPA.GOV Calendar 3/3 5:04A Charline SotoQuintana (City Cler Related: Evaluation/scoring Meeting – Self-service Paddle Board/kayak Rental Services RRP #25-P-00002 TAMPA.GOV Calendar, Scoring Meeting Potential Lease Of A Portion Of Tampa Union Station Located In The Downtown Core Community Redevelopment Area RFP#25-p-00067 TAMPA.GOV Calendar
Flu remains elevated, doctors say it's not too late late get flu vaccine ABC Action News 3/3 4:59A Larissa Scott
Florida woman faced $373,000 bill after 'approved' treatment to save her eyesight ABC Action News 3/3 4:53A Susan El Khoury
A New Kind Of Luxury Income Opportunity Emerges In Tampa Bay Tampa Magazines 2/24 3:00A Tampa Magazine